We’ve seen plenty of Apple TV hacks since the little set top box launched last year, but between the launch of Siri on the iPhone 4S, and Jobs’ posthumous teasing of a new Apple TV flatscreen, it seems Apple is only just getting started on re-inventing the living room. With Siri now hacked to run on an iPhone 4, we’re looking at the Siri Apple TV hacks we’d love to see most.
Siri, I want to watch the football
Channel numbers have fast become meaningless. Siri’s ability to recognise natural language could do away with them once and for all. Imagine a new Apple TV that could search by voice for what you need, across channels and services, pulling up whatever sport is on.
Siri, who is that actress?
Google TV’s picture-in-picture internet search is an interesting idea, and one that an internet-connected, dual-core new Apple TV could easily take further. Imagine being able to ask who’s on screen, for the TV to shrink to a quarter of the screen, and the rest of the window load up the IMDB profile for your favourite Corrie star.
Siri, find me something interesting to watch
Apple hasn’t made much of its Genius suggestion service for media and apps bought through iTunes. But what if you could use that information to then scour the airwaves and find something similar being broadcast right now? That’s one Apple TV hack we’d love to see, and sooner rather than later.
Read our Top 10 Apple TV hacks here
Siri, record Games Of Thrones for me
Sky actually already lets you schedule recordings of programmes will into the future, and we’d love to see an Apple TV do the same, perhaps stashing them on your MacBook’s hard drive. That way you’ll never miss a show, even if it hasn’t even begun filming yet.
Siri, send the signal to my iPhone
Making a brew? Ask Siri to pop the game on your iPhone so you won’t miss a game while you’re in the kitchen. Samsung smart TVs can already do this with Galaxy S Android phones, so it’s the least we’d expect.
Siri, I want to play Modern Combat 3 online
One incredible feature of AirPlay with the iPhone 4S is the ability to send four different screens to same display – coming soon to Real Racing HD. With Siri connected in, you could simply shout to launch a game and frag opponents next to you, or on the other side of the world via Wi-Fi.
Apple TV hacks: Full AirPlay for every app!
Siri, I missed X-Factor. Is it worth watching?
Not sure whether it’s worth watching a show on catch-up? Siri on a new Apple TV could quickly bring up Twitter and sieve through hashtags on the show to pull up an instant 140 character poll of the episode for you.
Siri, show me the headlines
An Apple TV with Siri could prove an interesting proposition for rolling news channels. With an internet connection, you wouldn’t have to wait for the on-hour bulletin or even change the channel: you could simply ask to see the latest headlines, and have an app or your RSS feed roll through on a ticker.
Apple TV hacks: Web browser on your telly
Siri, turn yourself on at 7.30am tomorrow
Fancy using your TV as an alarm clock to wake up to the headlines, BBC Breakfast, or even your email? Just as Siri on the iPhone 4S recognises natural language to set an alarm for whenever you like, you could tell a new Apple TV to do the same – if Apple made it HDMI-CEC compliant, it could then easily turn on your telly automatically.
Siri, I need pizza
Want some grub to go with the game? A quick shout, and you could order online via the Domino’s Pizza or Hungryhouse app, and have piping hot food delivered to your door – all without leaving the couch. Providing Apple inks those location search deals for the UK, of course.