Nintendo 3DS headaches, Nintendo responds

The Nintendo 3DS was gleefully received by many but its had a fair few issues too. There’s been moans about the handheld’s build and reports of “black screens of death” but the issue of headaches is the one that Nintendo has emerged from its bunker to bat away.

MaxConsole Forums went Twitter fishing for complaints about Nintendo 3DS headaches and came up with a good tranche of traumas prompting Nintendo UK PR boss Rob Saunders to respond. See what he had to say after the break:

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Saunders says: “We have shown Nintendo 3DS at multiple events around the world to literally hundreds of thousands of people and have received very few negative comments. As with anything that requires focus, from reading to staring at a computer screen, taking frequent breaks is always recommended. When viewing any kind of 3D images (TV, movies etc.), some people might experience minor discomfort.

“The effects are short term and have no lasting effect, in fact most players can continue after taking a short break. The Nintendo 3D was designed with a 3D depth slider that lets users adjust the 3D effect to a level that suits them for optimum enjoyment.”

Let us know: have you experienced Nintendo 3DS headaches? And what do you make of the Nintendo response?

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