Spotify Android App updated - Come see the newness!

The Spotify Android App has had a spruce up. The streaming music service has added a ton of new features, making it easier to find new music, easier to control, and easier to show off to your mates.

We took the new Spotify Android App for a spin on a Motorola Milestone 2, and it looks the business.

Spotify cover art looks great in portrait mode, and you can swipe it to move to the next song in the playlist. However, things got a little less impressive in landscape mode. Album artwork shrunk to to the size of a 5p coin, leaving a lot of grey and wasted space.

The new Spotify Android App lets you play music stored locally on your phone, just like the desktop version does with tracks on your PC. There’s also Voice Search, so you can shout out the name of the artist or track you’re looking for, rather than typing it in, but most welcome is Spotify’s new top tracks and What’s new sections.

These show you Spotify’s latest additions, and the most popular songs being played by other users. It means the Spotify Android App is much more handy for finding new tracks, and widening your tastes.

The Spotify Android App also has tweaks to its ‘now playing’ display. It’s pulled up from a tab at the bottom of the screen, and makes good use of the mobile’s limited screen space.

Overall, the new Spotify Android App is very stable. There’s no reason not to upgrade if you’re already in possession of an Android phone and Spotify subscription. Get stuck in with an early preview right here.

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