While Windows Phone 7 has well-received, Microsoft has no plans to plonk it into tablets. According to Greg Sullivan, senior product manager at Microsoft, the megacorp will stick with Windows 7 tablets. He reckons that the full-fat OS offers better touch-support and a richer application experience. We’re more than a little disappointed…
While Apple has successfully spread iOS onto the iPad, new Apple TV and new iPod touch as well as the iPhone 4, Samsung has eagerly snapped up Android for the Samsung Galaxy Tab and RIM has a new OS for the Blackberry Playbook, Microsoft remains stubborn.

Sullivan told hacks at the US Windows Phone 7 event event that the wider selection of software and more available drivers makes Windows 7 the go-to OS for Microsoft tablets. At the same event, Ray Vinson, a senior exec at Samsung America, admitted that it had talked to Microsoft about making a Windows Phone 7 tablet.
With several tablets like the HP Slate dropping Windows 7 for other options (webOS, Android, Chrome OS and others), it really does look like Microsoft is missing a trick not making a tablet-ready version of Windows Phone 7.
Tell us! Are you surprised Microsoft says Windows Phone 7 won’t come to bigger form factors? Should it give up on cramming Windows 7 onto tablets and commit to a dedicated tablet OS?
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