Looking for the best Android apps for your smartphone? We’ve scoured the Market and much further afield too to find the top picks for you – you can read all about them to the right of the full post, or even jump straight to the download pages.

We know the Android Market is difficult to navigate at the best of times, so to make your task easier, simply moves your eyes over to the right of the page, where you’ll see our current Best Android apps Top 5. These are the ones we can’t live without, and think you won’t be able to either when you try them out.
Check out our Best Android phone Top 5
Trying them out is simple too. You can click to Read More about any of our Top 5 Best Android apps, while popping the Buy It button will take you straight to the developer’s website. Oh, and if you’re looking for the best Android phone to install them on, we’ve got you covered too.
Disagree with our best Android apps roundup? What do you think should be in there instead? Let us know in the comments below!