Apple has brought inertial scrolling and the new multitouch gesture that arrived with the Magic Trackpad to a raft of Macbook and Macbook Pro models. The software update adds the new functions along with support for the Magic Trackpad and there’s good news for Windows fans who want to use Apple’s new wonder peripheral, it’s added support for you too. Read to find out if your Mac can get more multitouch skills…
Magic Trackpad And Multi-Touch Trackpad Update 1.0 was slipped out by Apple last night. It adds support for the Magic Trackpad so you can snap one up and get it working straight away but also gives you the inertial scrolling and three-finger drag gesture in your current Macbook or Macbook Pro trackpad.
If you’ve got a 13in Macbook from late 2008 onwards, the software update will give you the new gesture and inertial scrolling. The same goes for 13in Macbook Pro models from mid 2009, 15in models from mid 2009 and 17in versions from late 2008 onwards.
The update will also add inertial scrolling but not the new gesture to the Macbook Air and 15in and 17in Macbook Pro models released in early 2008.
If you’re itching to use the Magic Trackpad with your Windows machine, Apple also outed updates for 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows. It brings support for the pretty new peripheral to Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. That’s especially handy if you’re running Windows on your Mac with Boot Camp.
We’d initially though the new three-fingered multitouch gesture that lets you quickly drag windows around was confined to the Magic Trackpad so it’s a nice surprise to see it migrating to Macbooks. But will the addition of that and inertial scrolling to your current trackpad mean you’re less likely to spring for a Magic Trackpad?
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