Macbook Air update due tomorrow

The Macbook Air could be next in line for an update if new rumours are right. The ultra-slim laptop missed out on a refresh during the recent Macbook Pro love-in and has been largely unnoticed in all hubbub surrounding the iPad. Will Apple really unveil a new Macbook Air this week?

The same source which tipped off Macworld Australia about the arrival of the new Macbook Pro has spotted a new product number on an Apple database and most signs point to a new Macbook Air.

There’s some speculation that the product number could just be pointing to a new 27in LED cinema display to match the 27in iMac. But with the rumours suggesting several thousand of the new product are being shipped to Australia, a new Macbook Air seems a lot more likely.

Macworld’s mysterious source suggests that the new product will be announced tomorrow. Apple does usually like to reveal new products on a Tuesday but it has only just opened up iPad preorders.

The Macbook Air is due for a refresh. It was last updated in June 2009 with an improved processor. But does it still look as alluring now the iPad has arrived?

Let us know whether you think the Macbook Air is worth the moolah. We’ll keep our eyes trained on the Apple Store tomorrow for news of a new arrival. With the Sony Vaio P newly refreshed, this could be a week for luxury laptop overhauls.

Out now | from £1174 | Apple
 (via Macworld Australia)

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