Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E R review
We love
Great value, speedy, good keyboard
We hate
A specced up stunner with a cracking price tag, the Vaio CW series is great
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Leaving aside the wilfully oblique code name, the Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R is a mid-range laptop that wants to be your spanking new main PC. Part of the Vaio CW series, it’s the best model in the range, with features to satisfy even the most fastidious of computer snobs. So hows does it measure up? Read our complete Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R review and we’ll give you the full skinny.

There are so many standout aspects on the Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R that it’s hard not to come over all gushing. The build is excellent, with a toughened plastic frame, which comes in red, pink, blue and black, protecting the high-end insides and looking the business to boot.

As with all Sony Vaio machines, design is very much at the forefront. The Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R features an ace keyboard, with isolated keys that make typing out text an absolute joy. It’s a million miles from the uncomfortable experience of cheaper machines.

Likewise, the touchpad is excellent. It’s nice and wide, so you can sweep through docs, snaps and web pages without needing to hook up a regular mouse for comfort. In terms of the Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R’s build, it’s perhaps its biggest draw.

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The 14-inch screen is a tad on the large side though, especially with frontline, main laptops shrinking down, yet maintaining power and skills these days. You can’t really escape its size and it does prove an issue when you shove it in a laptop bag and heave it around town.

That said, the panel is nice and vivid, making it ideal for watching movies on the move, especially as you won’t need to squint to pick up details like you do on some smaller laptops and netbooks.

But it’s on the inside where the Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R really comes into its own. It has an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13Ghz, and while we’re hoping for an upgrade to the new Core architecture, it’s still capable at running at a fair old lick. That’s thanks in no small part to the 4GB of RAM which makes this more than ample at multitasking stacks of Office apps, browsing and music.

At only a ton cheaper than the MacBook, the Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R packs in some features only high-end Apple machines can dream of. If Cupertino’s kit isn’t your bag, then surely the Sony Vaio VPCCW1S1E/R will be.

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