Qualcomm, maker of the nippy Snapdragon processor, has been showing off its wares and future concepts today, and one of tastiest products it had on display was this concept of a future tablet, that packs a kickstand and detachable keyboard. Can’t stand touchscreens? Pop the QWERTY instead!
It’s worth stressing that this isn’t even a proof of concept: this Snapdragon tablet outright doesn’t work. But it’s an interesting taster of what a giant player in the mobile arena thinks will be the future. As you can see, the tablet would run using Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chip, and would act as a regular handheld MID, stand as a photo frame, and feature a separate keyboard you can slot in the back.
Quanta Android smart-book: hands-on photos!
Of course, there are no plans for any companies to bring this Qualcomm Snapdragon tablet to market yet, but if you happen to know any engineers, it might be worth throwing this model in their direction and telling them to get started. Check out the pictures in our gallery, and we’ll be sure to scour the floor of CES in January to see if it’s bore fruit.
Out TBC | £TBC | Qualcom