Apple tablet primed for Christmas

It’s the Apple rumour that just won’t die. Chatter about an Apple tablet is getting louder and even harder to ignore, with the Financial Times now throwing its hat into the ring and claiming that Jobs and co are plotting a “tablet–sized computer” in time for Christmas. Keep reading to get your mitts on all the latest gossip.

After last week’s chatter about an Apple tablet packing 3G and Cupertino’s strenuous denial that it was beavering away on a dirt–cheap Apple netbook, comes the latest grist to the rumour mill. The FT reckons Apple is shaping up that very tablet in time for what our US cousins dub “the holidays.”

Apparently the Apple tablet will be a “fully–featured computer”, with sources in the entertainment industry hoping it will herald “a new revolution.” By that they clearly mean a new way to cream tons of cash off of film and music mad gadget lovers.

Apple tablet 3G carrier named

Previous natter about the Apple tablet has claimed it’ll come with data, but not voice, support, a 10–inch touchscreen with multitouch and possibly a UI similar to the iPod touch.

Hopefully we’ll be getting official word from Apple when it launches its new line of camera–packing iPods in September.

Out TBC | £TBC | Apple (via Financial Times)

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