TomTom One
We love
A TomTom for under a ton? Yes please.
We hate
It’s lacking an SD card slot. No Bluetooth.
Why pay more for a satnav when the TomTom One can get you to John O’ Groats and back for under a ton (plus petrol, of course).
Launch Price

Fancy a TomTom that’s significantly cheaper than bail for road rage, or post-map -reading-barney marriage counselling? Of course you do. Allow us to introduce you to the TomTom One, the best map reader for under a ton!

The fourth edition of TomTom’s entry-level satnav, the One, continues the trend of previous One models by being both user-friendly and cheap. The latest incarnation has a highly intuitive 3.5-inch touchscreen that makes the most of the simple TomTom user-interface.

What else has TomTom stuffed in the One? Only a database of safety camera locations so comprehensive it must be costing local councils millions in saved fines. Okay, so there’s no SD card slot for map upgrades, and the 3,5-inch touchscreen isn’t in the same league as its big brothers’ 4.3-inch offerings, but what do you expect for a sub-ton navigator?

You can even buy a version of the TomTom One with Regional Assist. You’ll probably only want this one if you’re not a member of the AA, as it provides you with a year’s breakdown assistance. It costs an extra £15, but it could prove pretty handy if you drive an Alfa.

Because this is only the entry-level model though, you won’t find any Bluetooth bells or extra-long battery life whistles (the One has less than two-hours juice in it), but you do get a solid, capable satnav that’s a breeze to use, and all for the price of a couple of t-shirts saying “I heart TomTom”. Can’t say fairer than that.

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