It’s lunchtime o’clock once more, so grab a plate and fill up on all the latest tech news going down right now from across the globe. Read on for the lowdown!
The big news has been in mobile today: Nokia revealed its plans for wireless background charging, while a major Palm Pre investor pronounced the launch a success, despite the looming shadow of the iPhone 3G S. Here in the UK meanwhile, a new mobile directory service launching next week looks set to cause a storm of protests, as it lets you request a call with anyone you care to name unless they opt out.
In gaming, while we didn’t see it at E3, but the Sony PS3 Slim may still be on the cards according to new rumours, and EA has killed off The Godfather franchise. Finally, in computing, we took a look at what makes the new 13-inch MacBook “Pro”.
Need more news still? It’s piling in on the homepage right now!