MacBook Mini - more rumours on Apple’s netbook

Is Apple finally gearing up to launch its long-rumoured “MacBook Mini” netbook? While the company has made no new announcements recently, Apple rumour sites are buzzing with talk of an incoming small laptop. Read on for the juicy gossip.

The latest bit of evidence (if you can truly call it that) is the fact that a listing for a device called “MacBookMini” has appeared in the stats for IM client Adium. Big deal, you may well think – after all, anybody can change their computer ID listing – but the reason this is getting such buzz is that the MacBook Air was first spotted in exactly the same way back in January 2008.

BusinessWeek also claims that Apple is working with Verizon on a pair of new devices, one being an “iPhone lite” and the other a “media pad” focussed on video, music and photos but also offering calls via Wi-Fi. Now, the iPod touch is perfectly capable of handling these tasks (although it doesn’t offer calls via Wi-Fi yet), which suggest the device could be something larger – perhaps the rumoured MacBook Mini?

Both these stories could well tie into the recent rumour about Apple buying up huge numbers of 10-inch screens – 10-inches being the perfect size for a netbook.

We’ll bring you more Apple netbook rumours and news (if any actual news does creep out) as they emerge, so stay tuned for more.

Out TBC | £TBC | Apple (via TUAW and BusinessWeek)

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