Acer Tempo smartphone range unveiled

PC giant Acer has unveiled its Acer Tempo smartphone series of phones at Mobile World Congress, and they’re a little bit luvverly. Get the skinny on the Acer Tempo series after the jump!

Acer has unveiled no fewer than four Acer Tempo models – not bad going for a first venture into the mobile market. Top of the line is the Acer Tempo M900, with HSDPA, GPS and a full QWERTY slideout keyboard, as well as a lush 3.8inch WVGA touchscreen to rival the HTC Touch HD. Windows Mobile 6.1 though, sadly.

Next up is the Acer Tempo F900, which totes the same touchtastic 3.8inch hi-res screen but ditches the keyboard for a smaller outline. Again, we’ve got Wi-Fi, HSDPA and GPS.

The Acer Tempo X960 is Acer’s attempt to stake out the same market as the Nokia 6710 Navigator, doubling up as a dedicated GPS device with top mapping software.

Finally, the Acer DX900 is Acer’s prime business smartphone. There’s a 2.8inch VGA screen, but what sets it apart is the dual-SIM slot that supports both 3.5G and EDGE SIM cards. It’s a nice touch for a phone that divvies up personal and work life neatly.

No release details yet, but rest assured we’ll be chasing Acer for a hands on with the Tempo series, so stay tuned.

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