It’s lunchtime, so grab a sandwich and settle down for a recap of everything gadget-shaped you’ve missed this morning.
Apple’s forthcoming refresh of the iPod nano is causing a buzz this lunchtime, with rumours that it’ll pack a bigger screen, thinner shell, as well as an accelerometer to open up videos, and maybe games.
Reports are also flooding in that the Mac-maker has told resellers to stock up on enough iPods to last four week, since it’s reducing the output of the factory that makes them.
Refreshed nano in time for September? We think so.
In other news, Nokia’s N96 superphone will hit the UK on October 1st, and best of all it won’t be tied to a single network. That means you’ll be able to waltz into any Three, Carphone Warehouse, Orange, Phones4U, T-Mobile or Vodafone store to grab one.
Still peckish for tech tidbits? Bounce yourself back to the homepage.